VSKD Inter College, Kanpur Dehat - Affiliated to U.P. Board


वी.एस.के.डी. पूर्व माध्यमिक विद्यालय

UDISE Code: 09334103459

Junior Section

Our junior section comprises classes from 6th to 8th. In the Junior Years, the focus is to encourage the inert and to inculcate confidence in the key learning skills of reading, writing, listening, speaking information technology capability, and problem-solving.

We believe that children at this level are active, curious, experimental, and imaginative. A lot of project work related to science and tech is being performed in the Atal Tinkering Lab. Therefore, our curriculum in these classes is structured to encourage and motivate them to become self-confident, self-reliant, and self-disciplined. The school seeks to achieve its motto through a variety of curricular and co-curricular programs.

Our Teachers of the Junior wing are dedicated, empathetic yet stern and give great importance to the discipline.

Mrs. Shalini Singh is our Junior section in-charge.

Junior Section
Junior Section
Junior Section